
on the mysterious midget

I wonder some mystery writer doesn't make it the setting for a thriller. This stall I'm sitting in. The perfect place for finding a corpse underneath. A small corpse, of course. A midget, in fact, and one that had stunted its growth by cigarette smoking in boyhood. His size enabled him to hide in the villain's homburg hat and he overheard the villain plotting, but unfortunately he sneezed and was discovered and bumped off. [bachelors anonymous]


Blogger Allison said...


2:06 PM  
Blogger emelina said...

didn't we have a midget in one of our old radio shows?
we need to find those scripts and have a reading. hil-ar-ious.

2:30 PM  
Blogger Allison said...

OO OO ooo that would be so fun. Let's do it.

2:48 AM  

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