
on excessive girl-craziness

'Is Mr Little in trouble, sir?'
'Well, you might call it that. He's in love. For about the fifty-third time. I ask you, Jeeves, as man to man, did you ever see such a chap?'
'Mr Little is certainly warm-hearted, sir.'
'Warm-hearted! I should think he has to wear asbestos vests.' [the inimitable jeeves]

on living with roomates

After this, things became a bit strained at the flat owing to Claude and Eustace not being on speaking terms. I'm all for a certain chumminess in the home, and it was waring to have to live with two fellows who wouldn't admit the other one was on the map at all. [the inimitable jeeves]

on loosing badly

'I never bet on horse-racing. It is against my principles. I am told that the animal failed to win the contest.'
'Failed to win! Why, he was so far behind that he nearly came in first in the next race.' [the inimitable jeeves]


on passing the patriotic buck

'Of course, I didn't invent the country,' said George. 'That was Columbus. But I shall be delighted to consider any improvements you may suggest and lay them before the proper authorities.' [the inimitable jeeves]